Quantum Field Theory | An Introduction

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Quantum field theory explained in a nutshell. QFT tells us the fundamental object(s) of the universe is unbounded fields or rather, a single unified field made up of many distinct but superimposed, interpenetrating, and cooperating in parallel fields. Energy flowing these are called quanta, a single one of which, a quantum. Thus, it is said that these fields are quantized. Enjoy!


Some excellent books on the topic: TheLightness of Being by Frank Wilczek: http://amzn.to/2oG2d4K
A beautiful Question by Wilzcek: http://amzn.to/2oFSStL

Wilczek: “More generally, we can represent the geometry of a curved space, or curved space-time, by mapping information about distances onto a flat grid. At each point of the grid, and in each direction emanating from that point, we’ll have a number that tells us how far you get by proceeding one step in that direction. In this way, we represent the geometry of our space by assigning a few numbers to each point. This construction defines what is called a metric field (or simply metric) in mathematics.
In physics, when we consider the geometry of space-time, it is appropriate, in the spirit of Faraday and Maxwell, to speak of a metric fluid. This is the concept, in Einstein’s general relativity, that replaces the gravitational forces of Newton’s theory.
As the term “fluid” suggests, the metric fluid, much like the electromagnetic fluid of Maxwell’s theory, takes on a life of its own. For example, it supports self-sufficient disturbances—gravity waves, analogous to the electromagnetic waves by which Maxwell accounted for light and Hertz launched radio.”


I’m currently reading Tales of the Quantum by Art Hobson. I highly recommended it. I had to order it from Amazon as my local Chapters wasn’t carrying it despite it being released only a few months ago. Splurge for your library and get the hardcover: http://amzn.to/2qB8tz7