General Relativity and The Mother of Fields

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The general theory of relativity is a little more intuitively difficult than the special theory as it brings in the geometry of spacetime and then proceeds to bend and warp it. Its difficulty is to be expected considering it took one of our greatest minds ten more years to incorporate gravity into his theory of relativity. Finally, after we’ve become acquainted with general relativity I move on to the modern view of spacetime as the metric field – the mother of all fields.


Books I’ve read on relativity:
Relativity – The Special and General Theory by Einstein himself:
The Special Theory of Relativity by David Bohm: I would recommend this one the most even though I don’t understand the mathematics, I read it because Bohm is one of the greatest concepts explainers ever.
Space, Time, and Gravitation by Arthur Eddington: It’s an oldie but a goodie and probably best to find a copy at an old bookstore:

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